
Teaching Your Child to Eat Healthy

Kids easily get hooked on junked food, and we can see why. Who doesn’t like a good bag of potato chips every now and then? While snacking junk food isn’t bad, too much of it can negatively affect your child’s overall...

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What Should Preschoolers Learn in School?

Children who are at preschool learn “pre-skills” that lay the groundwork for their future. At this age, children will learn through playing, singing, drawing, telling, listening to stories, and other basic activities that can draw their...

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Choosing a Day Care Provider: Red Flags

There are a lot of articles online that talk about the characteristics of the ideal child development center, but very few talk about the red flags you need to avoid. We understand that you want only the best for your child, and that is why...

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Signs That Your Child is Ready for Day Care

Believe it or not, one of the biggest dilemmas parents have isn’t choosing the right day care in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. It is actually whether or not their toddler is ready for daycare. As parents, you naturally want the best for your...

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Emotional Development Among Preschoolers

A child’s ability to create fantasies in his or her play will help in the exploration of a wide range of emotions, from dependency and love to fear, protest, and anger. Preschoolers will not only take on various identities on themselves but will...

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Boost Your Baby’s Cognitive Skills with These Steps

Activities that promote active learning help your child’s cognitive development, especially in the areas of memory, concentration, and perception. As your child meets developmental milestones every day, you can incorporate simple reading...

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